
The shipbuilding, especially in Tuscany, is one of the flagships of the Made in Italy. It comes with no surprises that the big players of the luxury yacht industry have chosen as location for their factories our coastlines. Our line of solvents, thinners and specific products for the naval sector is dedicated to these players and their suppliers. Toscolapi supplies, with reliability and competence, acetone, specific thinners, cleaning, and products for hull detergent. Long-standing commercial partnerships with the most important manufacturer of solvents allow us to guarantee extremely competitive quotes and products of the highest quality.

Why choose Toscolapi?

Qualified Personnel

Qualified Personnel

Professionalism is guaranteed by highly skilled personnel.



Strong business relationships, which make reliability one of our strengths.



Ample parking space for vehicles, to guarantee fast and on time deliveries.



Homologated packaging, available in various formats: cisterns, barrels, tanks, and tanker trucks.



Integrated management system, certified in accordance with the regulation UNI ISO 9001 (Quality), UNI ISO 14001 (Environment) and UNI ISO 45001 (Safety).

Quality control

Quality control

Quality control plan upon acceptance of the goods, certificates of analysis and recurrent checks on the concentration and weight in the delivery phase, carried out by qualified personnel with adequate equipment.

Customer Service

Customer Service

We offer the use cisterns with the loan-to-use formula, for the storage and correct management of dangerous products.



the company actively takes part in social and environmental ventures, which are in line with our idea of sustainable business.

Manufactory Plant

Manufactory Plant

The manufactory plant is divided by specific areas and dedicated sectors.  A state-of-the-art plant is dedicated to the storage of solvent.

Would you like to know more?

Our team is at disposal for any query you may have.


For info and quotes